
Leonard Cohen, Hallelujah (cover for alto recorder)
Leonard Cohen, HallelujahЛеонард Коэн, Аллилуйя (кавер).
Марина Махорина, блокфлейта альт.  

Leonard Cohen, Hallelujah
Marina Makhorina, alto recorder.
I have a tradition: the beginning of every season of the year - winter, spring, summer, autumn - I meet in nature, playing "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen on a recorder.
I don’t remember how it began, but for several years now this thank-you song, praising life, has been heard in parks, forests, near the water.
Today is April 26, 2020, so I play at home, but I believe that the day will come when I will go out again with a recorder and joyfully play: Hallelujah!

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Категория: Волшебная блокфлейта | Просмотров: 314 | Добавил: igraj-poj | Теги: блокфлейта альт, Видео, вокальная музыка, шедевры ХХ века, ноты для блокфлейты, мои аранжировки | Рейтинг: 5.0/4
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